Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 1 in the MTC

Hello everyone!!

I only have 30 minutes to write (literally there's a timer's like mission impossible.) So I'm trying to get through everything but if I run out of time, I'll make another list of things I want to say next time!!

The MTC is crazy. Its crowded and busy and crazy, filled with ridiculous people. Some ridiculously spiritual. Some ridiculously annoying. But I've had a great series of spiritual ups and downs. One of the best things I've experienced (I think I wrote about this before but I can never remember) is when our District was sharing our testimonies and a Sister started to cry and then I started to cry because I had been feeling like I didn't know what I was doing. Then in my heart and in my mind, I kept feeling the same phrase over and over again. "There's a reason I came out here." And I know thats true. A Branch President in our Zone was speaking in sacrament and he said "Why should your selfish desires rob someone of their experience with the true gospel?" And thats true. I might be homesick and discouraged sometimes but that thats nothing compared to the suffering that Christ suffered for me and I owe it to him to work as hard as I can.

So surprisingly, I mentioned there being two talkers in our Pittsburgh group and it ISN'T ME! Elder Reese and Elder Sowards never stop talking about trucks, guns, everything hickish and in addition, video games. Elder Bennet and I sit awkwardly in the cafeteria and stare at our food. But we've all been trying to eat as a District so we've all been getting a lot better. We also go out during Gym and play games together. We're bonding and I'm leading the bonding. They're the glue but I'm the orange tip! There's an object lesson in there, right?

It was funny, one night Elder Sowards said he wanted to go to a pawnshop when we got to Pennsylvania and buy a guitar. I told him to look on the corners and he didn't care to respond... I think I confused him.

Everything is moving so fast! I keep saying "the weeks will feel like days and the days will feel like weeks!" Every day takes forever but I feel like everything is moving so fast, and the other Elders walk SO SLOW!!

Last night we had a Devotional from one of the seventy and he said that we need to love our mission president. And then Brother Stice (of my Branch Presidency, who is exactly like Brother Steele) but anyway, Brother Stice said that his son made the decision to follow and support his mission president NO MATTER WHAT! And that we can't go wrong when we follow him and I'm so excited to start developing that relationship. Also, that same President in Sacrament talked about a missionary who didn't tell his companion he was going home until the day he was scheduled to leave. That's cool!

Ya, I have a huge list of stuff left and only 18 minutes! I won't finish everything, but I guess I don't need to!
I feel so bad for not writing to Heath and Chad more now because being in the MTC, I've realized that getting letters is like crack!...but not the bad kind of crack...its like candy...but very addictive candy... but no bad side effects. Ya. I feel so prepared because I had Chad, Dad and Heath all helping me out, but there’s nothing that can prepare you for the literal assault on your soul you feel whenever you feel anything that sets you back. In class the other day, we were just practicing invitations to read the Book of Mormon and I literally couldn't say anything because I was on the verge of tears. My tongue was literally bound. But the class all took a break and one of my teachers, Brother McQuay came and talked to me and showed me 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 about Paul feeling week and trembling. It really helped me realize that I don't have to be perfect. The importance of this work doesn't rest on my shoulders, but thousands of missionaries and the specific testimony and teaching will come only through the spirit.

I feel like I've changed SO much in just a week, I can't imagine what I'll be like in 2 years. I'm very excited. I'm always trying to work as hard as I can and be a good example to my District, but sometimes I lose sight of whats really important. We were watching a movie with the whole MTC about the testimony of the apostles. It was the one from way back when, when they show up all over the world and Neal A. Maxwell is in it and then at the end they're all standing by the Christus. Right after the movie, I tried to get Elder Sowards to get up so we could leave and get to planning early but he said "we shouldn't leave before the prayer" and up until that, I had been so anxious all day. But I sat down feeling stupid for thinking we could leave and the feeling of knowing that I was where I was supposed to be, I felt fine! It was great. I love Elder Sowards and all the experiences I'm having.

I'm running out of time, but I have just a few more things.

There's an Elder in my zone named Elder Fakai who is a professional Rugby player from Australia. I thought Dad might find that interesting. He told me he eats Americans and asked if I was an American and I said unfortunately, I was a Pittsburghian, so he would have to find his dinner somewhere else. He talks to me a lot now, so thats a plus...or maybe hes just sizing me up.
I love everyone and I'm so excited for everything I'm getting to do. I can't wait to get out in the field and experience real teaching. We were supposed to experience our kind of first lesson tomorrow but the Elders ahead of us in line at the TRC took 40 MINUTES TO TEACH!! They had better have gotten a baptism out of that guy, because we had to miss our appointment.

Also, to answer your question about church, its usually separated into Branches but last week was Mission Presidents Seminar and next week is Fast Sunday with MTC Conference, so I'll only see one or two normal Sundays in the MTC so I cant really explain it that well!
Ok, No time.
I'll talk to you all real soon! Thank you so much!

- Elder Harrison

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